Calamar block explorer — Milestone 2 finished

Richard Jedlička
Published in
3 min readMay 19, 2023

The time has come and we can happily announce to you we’ve finished the second milestone of Calamar block explorer for Polkadot and Kusama ecosystems.


This is a rich update and the change is apparent right from the homepage.

We have implemented a lot of useful features:

  • updated the homepage showing all the supported networks
  • added list of latest block to network’s dashboard
  • added list of latest transfers to network’s dashboard
  • added list of top holders to network’s dashboard
  • show network’s stats in the dashboard
  • show token distribution chart in the dashboard
  • added list of calls to account’s detail
  • added list of transfers to account’s detail
  • show account identity information in the detail page
  • added list of balances for each network to account’s detail
  • show balance portfolio chart in account’s detail

Please note, not all features are currently supported by all networks. The support will be continuously added.

Now I will show the changes in more detail.

New homepage

Network links

The homepage is redesigned and shows the grid with all the networks grouped by the parachain. Each tile is linked to the network’s dashboard.

Network’s dashboard

The “latest extrinsics” page has been replaced by the more useful network’s dashboard containing a lot more information.

Network’s dashboard

First box shows various network’s stats. Top right box displays information abount networks token, total issuance and its distribution.

The bottom box shows all the related items.


Another page which received a big update is the account’s detail page.

Account’s detail

As you can see, the basic info box is enriched by the identity information if available.

The great addition is the around the balances. The first tab in the bottom box shows the list of all the balances for each network. In addition to it the top right box shows the balance summary chart.

There are also more lists with other related items.

Future plans

There are still a lot of things to add and improve. We have plans to extend Calamar further. Stay tuned for things like XCM transfers, etc.

Source code is at

I would like to give special thanks to our data provider Subsquid for their cooperation and Web3 Foundation for the funding of this milestone.

Web3 Foundation funds research and development teams building the technology stack of the decentralized web. It was established in Zug, Switzerland by Ethereum co-founder and former CTO Gavin Wood. Polkadot is the Foundation’s flagship project.

Learn more about Web3 Foundation by visiting their website, and stay up to date with the latest developments by following them on Medium or Twitter.

