Consistency Champion June 2019

Abhishek Kaginkar
Toppr Tutors
Published in
1 min readJul 5, 2019

The path that we choose is always full of hurdles. It is people who relentlessly strive to overcome them, reach at the other end. People who work consistently over people who work in discrete time periods are naturally more reliable. Consistency is one such parameter which shows that you are, “I can do this all day” kind of person. Though we don’t literally mean that you should solve doubts all day. When we do something consistently, we get to know different sorts of issues, we spend more time and thus we get to learn more and ultimately overcome the issues and be a better version of ourselves.

Here, we want to appreciate those tutors who have been working consistently to solve our students’ doubts. At the top of this list is Sindhu M G and that makes her, our one of the most reliable tutors.

We take this moment to appreciate our top 5 most consistent tutors for the month of June 2019.

Top 5 Consistency Champions for June 2019

