Customer Happiness: The flag-bearer of our values

Shubham Jaju
Toppr Tutors
Published in
4 min readJul 5, 2019

What do you think makes a brand, in today’s world? Why do people believe in certain companies like Apple, Mercedes-Benz, Nestle, etc by just hearing their names? The answer is simple, they not only deliver a good quality product but also ensure that the service which they provide is of the highest quality. This is exactly what we do here at Toppr.

At Toppr doubts, the product is not the app but the tutors who solve the doubts; and the solution which these tutors provide to the student is the service. The app is just a medium to connect the tutors to the students. A great product can guarantee great initial sales, while a good service ensures a lifelong market. This is one of the reasons why Toppr invests so much in its tutors.

We have an on-boarding process which ensures that only those tutors who have excellent subject knowledge pass through. Once they are selected, they are trained to solve doubts in the most efficient way. This ensures that the product we have for our students is of the highest standard. But dear friends, the difficult part is yet to begin. It is easy to reach the highest standards but to maintain that level of standard is a different ball game altogether.

At Toppr doubts, to ensure that the quality of the service is of the highest standard, we follow two ways. The first is the manual checking where our in-house team reviews every session. The second is the system check, where the system will block the tutor on predefined quality matrix. The system blocking serves two purposes. The first being able to maintain the high-quality service and the second one being the tutor not wasting time on the platform where he/she could have almost doubled their earnings had he/she received good ratings.

The quality matrix used by the system is based on two principles. The first principle being, if the average rating received by a tutor, from the student, in any 10 consecutive sessions is less than a preset value then the tutor will be temporarily blocked by the system.

The second principle is based on the feedback received from the supervisor while reviewing the sessions. While reviewing, the supervisor has an option to flag the tutor where he/she finds that the mistake from the tutor is critical. On being flagged 3 times, the tutor will be temporarily blocked by the system. These two ways ensure that the service provided by us is of the highest quality and the student never has to suffer. But the process does not end here.

We at Toppr doubts, value our tutors in the same way we value our students. Once the tutor is blocked by our system, we just do not hang them out to dry. After all, they are our product. We send them a detailed report of their performance analyzing both their strengths and their weaknesses. We re-train them highlighting what different things they could have done in different scenarios. The training process leads to satisfaction on both sides. The student is happy due to good and high-quality service and at the same time, the tutor has the satisfaction of helping the student and reaping more benefits at the same time.

It is said that respect is a 2- way street but this doesn’t justify the tutor’s improper conduct if the student misbehaves. All that a tutor can do in such situations is try to be professional and not lose their calm and try to let the moment go showing characteristics of a more mature person. Tutors can then report the issue to higher authorities. Misbehaving with the student in front of them won’t do them any good. This is the same advice which we give to all our tutors. Irrespective of the behaviour of the student, tutors need to keep calm and let go of the moment. The tutor needs to understand that he/she is the more mature person in this situation. And later the tutor needs to report the session to us so that we can counsel the student about his/her behaviour.

Toppr promises the best user experience for all its users, be it a student or a tutor. We are always here to make sure that everyone is taken care of. It may seem like we are more strict with our tutors, but even Gold needs to endure the heat in order to be shaped into ornaments.

