Me v/s I

Ambika Jadhav
Toppr Tutors
Published in
2 min readJul 17, 2019

Jack and me are leaving early today.

No errors you say?

Me is leaving early today.

Sounds weird, doesn’t it?

I am leaving early today.

This sounds right... Well because it is, and the former is incorrect.

They are going to appreciate John and I.

Anything wrong with this sentence?

They are going to appreciate I.

How about now? The ‘I’ doesn’t sound right now, does it? This is because it is incorrect to use ‘I’ in the above statement. ‘I’ acts as a subject whereas ‘me’ is used as an object; always remember this and you will never repeat this mistake.

What is a subject and what is an object you ask? Well, that is very easy to understand. If you do the action then you are the subject in the sentence. But if the action is done on you, then you become the object.

Let me give you an example.

Jim kicked the ball.

The action of kicking is done by Jim, so Jim is our subject. The ball is being kicked i.e the action of kicking is done on the ball, so the ball is the object. Simple, isn’t it?

Now, coming back to our original issue, Me v/s I. When using multiple subjects or objects, if one of them is I or me, we need to keep in mind that the ‘me or I’ is always used in the second position. ‘Jim and I’ is correct, not ‘I and Jim’. Also ‘you and me’, not ‘me and you’. I hope now you know which one to pick when there is a debate between Me and I and what place to give it.

Both you and I are learning grammar.
Because grammar matters to you and me.

