Unique Personal Connect

Ambika Jadhav
Toppr Tutors
Published in
3 min readJun 2, 2019

Just the other day I was going through one of the many lessons that students learn as a part of their English literature syllabus. There was this lesson where the kid in the story had a mechanical teacher like a robot that taught every subject. The child didn’t go to school as the concept of schools as we have today was obsolete. Every child in the story was homeschooled as they had personalized robots who taught them.

The reality that this fiction story might soon become reality and reality as we know today would turn to a story, hit me like a splash of cold water. The world today is changing at a very fast pace and it is difficult to keep up with this changing education system. This infusion of technology in the field of education is believed to be making it very plastic. The world is complaining that there is no personal connection with students. Young children have impressionable minds and need to be dealt with utmost care.

It is a generally accepted truth that primary teachers are the professionals that require the most amount of patience. And it is not an easy job to be a good teacher and to be able to impart the required knowledge to students. Not everyone is known to have this skill to actually be able to teach. This being the sole reason why technology could make its place in the field of education. With the help of technology, students can have access to the best teachers from every niche and corner of the world.

Many Edutech companies like our very own Toppr is striving to strike a balance between modern technologies of E-tutoring and traditional methods of teaching. The Doubts on Chat feature intends to provide to the student the personal human touch that might otherwise be lost in this modern age teaching methods.

So how do we as tutors manage this feat? We care for our students. Having empathy and concern for the students helps you form a connection with the student at the very first instance itself. Students will cooperate if they know that you are empathetic towards them. Try to put yourself in the student’s shoes. You have to be able to modify your teaching techniques depending upon the student that is in front of you. Every child is unique. Remember this golden rule.

So even your presentation and answer should be unique for every child. Giving them copy pasted solutions that they can find online is not going to help your cause. The kids are better at using technology than we ever were as children. It is because they want something that they cannot find anywhere else, that they come to our platform.

Talk to them as you would to a younger sibling, your niece or nephew. Be considerate towards their questions. Weren’t we as inquisitive as they were at that age? Didn’t we want reasons for everything that we were told? After all, scientific temperament and not believing in superstitions is one of the first lessons that are taught. For this very reason, it will be unfair on our part to stop these young and bright minds from asking questions.

These are children and they need to be attended to. Give them the attention and patience that they need, provide a neat, clear and unique solution; and you will encounter only happy students. Never forget that you are the personal touch to this modern age learning methods.

