The Demystify Tribune
2 min readJan 1, 2016


It’s Cindy and I’m here with some exciting news. You may recall that earlier this school year I mentioned that the OOSS would blow your minds away with what we had in store. I’m glad that today we can finally unveil what the members of our executive have been working on diligently for the past few months: WE’RE GOING NATIONAL!

Here’s a snazzy video put together by our team to intro the changes:

Starting today, we are no longer the Organization for Ontario Secondary Students. Instead, we have become the Federation for Canadian Secondary Students | La Fédération des Élèves du Secondaire au Canada. We still have the same mission and goals as before, but now we are expanding to serve all Canadian secondary students. There’s been an increasing need for organizations like us in other provinces and so we’ve partnered with eager students to kickstart chapters of the FCSS-FESC in the provinces of Alberta, British Columbia, and Newfoundland and Labrador. It also means that YOU will have the chance to apply as a member of your provincial executive.

So, are you passionate about student voice? Are you ready to take on a larger leadership role in your education? Do you want to meet other like-minded students, keen on inciting tangible change in your communities and schools? Are you looking for volunteer hours, event-planning experience, and unique networking opportunities?

If you’ve answered yes to any of the above questions… what are you still doing??? Apply for FCSS-FESC right now! You can visit our Applications Centre here: . Have any questions regarding the application? Want to start a chapter and see your province listed up there too? Email us at ! We look forward to speaking with you all soon!

Who knows? Maybe one of you will be joining me as a blog manager!

Until next time, and à bientôt!

~ Cindy

Originally published at



The Demystify Tribune

Since 2012, the FCSS-FESC has strived to provide Canadian secondary school students in and CÉGEPs the tools they need to succeed in post-secondary life.