Get Bombe

Data made easy

3 min readFeb 6, 2014

In 2013, three people came together to create a powerful tool for scientists to process and analyse experimental data.

Today, we’re proud to present to you: Bombe. The revolutionary cloud-based web application that will increase efficiency of data analysis, save scientists time, and allow them to do more exciting research.

Our co-founders, Jack, Eddie, and Susie, explain a bit more about Bombe in their own words:

What is Bombe?

Jack: Bombe is a data analytics tool for scientists. Our vision is to empower scientists to spend less time fumbling with software, and more time doing science. Current tools are hard to use, lacks modern functionality, and extremely expensive.

Susie: Bombe is a simple way for scientists to process experimental data. Its user interface is fundamentally different from the current offerings, and presents a visual manner to process data. The entire data processing process from data import to publication quality graph export that required hours can now be completed within minutes.

How did Bombe start?

Eddie: I met Susie in high school through the regional and national science fairs, and we had previously worked together on a non-profit for several years. I met Jack at the Next36 hackathon on Waterloo, and we got along well. We decided to form a team based on our mutual interests in making a product with high societal value.

Why did you decide to make Bombe?

Jack: Bombe sprang to life from the forges of personal frustration. Two of our co-founders have done research at the Canadian Light Source (CLS), the largest synchrotron particle accelerator in Canada, and during our time there, we personally had to struggle with software solutions. Having been accepted into The Next 36 as a team, we set out to change that.

Susie: Bombe was first proposed based on two of the co-founder’s experience at the Canadian Light Source. However, the high impact potential of Bombe to be a fundamental and powerful tool for scientists encouraged its further ideation and later implementation. In the end, we want to help scientists save time and Bombe was our avenue to do so.

Who is Bombe made for?

Eddie: Bombe is for scientists, but in principle, may be of use to anyone who wants to analyze datasets with the intent of creating publication-quality figures.

Jack: Bombe is built for scientists, by scientists. We are starting by focusing on spectroscopy market, but are looking to expand into many other branches of science and in the future possibly other fields (econometrics, market researchers..etc).

As we continue to improve on our product, be the first to know of our latest updates by signing up at You can be invited as one of the first people to test out this revolutionary application.

Open beta will be happening soon, so stay tuned for exciting announcements!


The Bombe Team.




Cloud-based #data characterization platform for scientists