Introducing the Public Meetings calendar

Housing Matters
1 min readApr 8, 2019

While we’ve been plugging away to advance the cause of housing affordability in Toronto under the radar, we’ve also made an important update to our website.

As many of you know, one of our main activities is to show up at public meetings for development applications, and to speak up in favour of the application. When we do, we’re often the only yimbys in the room, which makes the activity all the more important.

We’ve written a bit about that here.

One challenge we’ve noticed is that other pro-housing Torontonians often don’t know when and where these public meetings are taking place. There isn’t any good central directory or calendar listing them all, as far as we can tell. (The City’s is not good and very hard to find.)

So, we’ve made our own. You can check it out on our website here.

This is a crowdsourced calendar, meaning that, though we will try to keep it as current as possible, we will also be relying on submissions from all of you.

Hopefully, over time, this will become the go-to destination for information on public meetings, which will gives us the opportunity to frame how we think these meetings should be approached — namely, with a positive attitude regarding the development of new housing in a housing-starved city.

So, please do check it out. Please do submit meetings relating to housing developments that you’re particularly interested in. And please do show up to let the Councillor(s) and Planner(s) present know that housing matters.



Housing Matters

For a growing, dynamic, and affordable Toronto. Yes In My Backyard!