Brunch at Cliff House

8 min readJan 31, 2021


I was saddened to learn recently that Cliff House has now closed.

It was an icon of San Francisco and I had not visited yet but I had always planned on doing so. I was inspired to write this story by a friend from the Bay Area. I googled it, it looked beautiful and that was really all I had to go on.

So let us begin.

Cliff House, they do a lovely brunch there, so I pick you up about 9.00 Sunday and take you out for brunch.

We drive out to Lands End through the exquisite grove of pines and park-lands over to the old Sutro Baths. There is not much left to see of the baths now, but in their heyday they must have been quite a sight to behold. Not only the baths but there was an amphitheatre that could hold 2700 people and club rooms that could accommodate 1100 more. Then on top of all that they had an ice rink too.

I find a spot to park and I open the door for you to hop out of the car. I am not just being gentlemanly, I also want to check out your long slender legs as you get out of the car.

You look beautiful today in a summer floral blouse and flowing white skirt. I like the way the skirt hugs your waist and accentuates your hips. I think your skirt might give me a lovely see through if I can get into the right position with the light behind you. I would love to see your gorgeous legs silhouetted through that skirt.

I take your hand as you get out of the car and we stroll down to overlook the ruins of the Sutro Baths and out to Seal Rocks. It really is a magic place, it reminds me very much of my home in Australia.

West Coast California looks very much like East Coast Australia, I guess it is the same ocean that we are enjoying so it kind of makes sense. It seems a little odd to me to be looking out over the ocean in the morning with the sun at my back, but I will get used to that.

We stroll along the path from the car park up to the Cliff House restaurant just casually walking along enjoying the view and the beautiful spring day.

I have made reservations, this place gets busy in the spring and summer. Especially on a Sunday for brunch. I have asked for a table on the lower level overlooking the beach to the south. Our table is right next to the window so we have an unobstructed view over the beach and we can also see out over Seal Rocks.

Can you hear the harp? The lady is playing on the lower level but the music wafts through the whole place adding to the ambience. I do not know classical music very well, but I enjoy good music whatever the genre and I know good music when I hear it.

Having a look at the menu I think I will have bacon and poached eggs with some toast but we shall also order some pop overs, I believe they are legendary. What would you like? The poached salmon? The prawns? Let me know and I will catch the waiter’s eye and order.

What a gorgeous view, not the beach, not the ocean, not seal rocks, you! I could easily get lost in your eyes for days let alone your face that is framed so perfectly by your hair.

The waiter arrives with our drinks, only the best for you. We sit chatting whilst we sip on our champagne, I wonder what the rest of the world is doing on such a lovely day. Not that I care too much, all I can really think about is you.

Then only a short time later our meals arrive and we chat merrily away as we enjoy our lovely brunch. The food and service here is just fantastic, I am so glad you suggested it.

As the waiter takes away our plates after we have devoured our meals I order a coffee, would you like one?

I move my chair around so we are sitting next to each other rather than on opposite sides of the table and we both look out the window savouring the view of the beach. I take your hand in mine and I lean across and kiss you gently whilst I look deeply into your eyes. I hope I am not embarrassing you too much showing you my affection in this public place.

I press my leg against yours and just sit and enjoy the view as we chat still with my hand in yours as we wait for our coffees.

The coffee arrives and we continue to chat seated next to each other as we enjoy our coffee.

Did you want dessert? I do not know if I could manage a whole one, do you want to share a tasting plate? It would be rude to go without dessert wouldn’t it?

After our lovely brunch we make our way down to take a stroll south along the beach.

You look fantastic in your white skirt, the breeze has picked up a little since we arrived and the hem of your skirt flaps in the breeze to give little glimpses of your lovely legs as we wander down to the beach.

You take your shoes off as we stroll along the sands and you carry them in your hand whilst I take your other hand in mine.

You squeal as I pick you up into my arms and I run toward the sea. As the waves rush up to meet us but at the last minute I run away with you still in my arms as we both laugh.

I pop you down again on your feet and we start to head back along the beach.

You point out a spot that looks very secluded and we head over amongst some rocks. I take you in my arms and kiss you passionately. I run my hand down your back and slip it under your blouse to feel the bare skin of your back.

I love how you feel wrapped in my embrace as I take in your scent, the warm skin on your back and the softness and taste of your lips. You heighten every sense that I have whilst I hold you close and drink them all in.

I push my hand slowly up your back to unclip your bra allowing your breasts move freely against my chest. I move my hips into you to press my now hard cock into your lower abdomen.

My hand continues to explore your back under your blouse and I move it to your ribs whilst my other hand now moves down over the curve of your arse.

I trace my hand around the line of your ribs to slide effortlessly under your breast. I move my hand up to cup your breast and my fingers find your nipple under your loose unclipped bra. I slide a finger either side of your nipple and gently, oh ever so gently, squeeze your nipple between my two fingers.

I push up your blouse with my forearm and wrist to fully expose your breast so I can take your nipple into my mouth. I trace my tongue around and around your nipple and draw it into my mouth. I love the taste of you, every part of you.

I lean back against a rock and draw you to me so I can keep sucking your breasts. I move my other hand from your butt to the breast not in my mouth and I tweak your other nipple with my fingers. I feel your hands on my zip and you take out my cock from my underwear and out my zip.

Your fingers on my cock feel fantastic as you stroke the length and explore the knob of my cock.

I hitch up your skirt whilst I keep my mouth to your nipple. I slip both hands into your panties and grasp your butt. I push your panties down over your hips and down your thighs past your knees and you step out of them one leg at a time.

I draw you to me and you straddle me against the rock, lucky I wore dark trousers today as this rock would otherwise ruin your skirt.

I hitch up your skirt around your waist as I enter your wet pussy. My hands support your butt as I lean back against the rock on about a 45 degree angle so you have leverage with your hips to control how we fuck.

I let myself be yours, you are in full control but I cannot help but let my mouth keep working alternately on each of your nipples as you slowly thrust your hips deep into mine.

We fuck slowly but steadily and passionately. Working our hips together, with the rock at my back I can do little but arch my hips in to meet each of your thrusts.

I let one hand move around to your back and down to your butt as I move my mouth up to kiss you again whilst I support your butt with my one hand and play with you boob with my other hand.

We continue to fuck deliberately, as your pace increase I hear your breath quicken and I reluctantly take my mouth from yours and return it to your lovely tits. We both quicken our pace as our orgasm approaches.

I feel your orgasm wash over you and through your entire body and I gasp as I come inside you, it is a hard task to cum simultaneously but we are very very close. I wrap you fully in my arms and drag you to me as we embrace as we recover from our exertions.

After we have recovered sufficiently we escape each other’s arms and I lean down and scoop up your panties as you adjust your bra and I zip up my pants. I place your knickers into my pocket.

The breeze has picked up even more, it should make for an interesting walk back to the car in this breeze. You might even put on a bit of a show for some lucky guy, with the silhouette of your legs and now bare arse though that light linen dress.

Yet no matter how lucky any guy is who might just catch a glimpse of you, they will not be as lucky as I am.,,,9589887&pg=1#9589887

