The Introvert
Published in
2 min readDec 21, 2018


What is Facebook were no more?

Or more likely was offline for any prolonged duration? It’s not a complicated equation. In the first, a filtering out at the periphery and fringe of fluff is necessary.

If we say you had 500 FB Friends at the time Facebook was offline, we would calculate that this 500 would be reduced by 90%, to 50, in the presence of a system meltdown:

(from above)

60% FB Friends” whom you’ve never actually met, and could be AI (why not); Virtual Friends are just that. You might pursue them for a little while, but they will dissolve of their own impetus — or stock profiles of CGI men and women unless they are implants. Those FB Friends can’t die, because they never existed in the physical world in the first.

10% Six Degrees of Virtual FB Friends

10% FB Friends of FB Friends; Unknown, FB implants, advertisers, grifters

2.5% You never spoke to those relatives in Oklahoma before FB, and you won’t now that it’s finally gone.

7.5% You ‘might’ keep in touch with perhaps half of the friends you reconnected with. You never thought about the before Facebook, and you won’t after.

In other words, after a month or two of rapid decline, the real-value of your FB relationships would become self evident, slowly depreciating as their number declined, until you’re back to the exact point in time before you publicized your Facebook profile.

“Facebook is not your friend

Facebook- where there is no bar to whom you might consider a Friend isn’t really a friend, it cheapens the idea of forming real and meaningful relationships in real life. That means, in post FB world, you’re more likely to consider mere acquaintances you hardly know as ‘friends,’ despite being no closer to them than you were on Facebook.



The Introvert

Mischievous and snarky pookah. Fact checker. Oxford comma aficionado. Has cats