Appreciation for our Readers

T. Mark Mangum
Total Fiction
Published in
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Dec 3, 2021


Total Fiction and its Featured Authors.

Photo by Clem Onojeghuo on Unsplash

Thank you all for coming to Total Fiction and reading the work of our featured Author, Mirrelle Beneffitte. Her serialized story, A Pearl in the Oyster, is brilliant, I am sure you agree. Again thanks for reading, responding and clapping for it.

I hope you have explored the other Authors and stories on Total Fiction. Please ensure you are following Total Fiction for more great Fiction tales.

If you are a writer of Fiction, consider submitting a story to Total Fiction. We are looking for great Fiction to promote here on Medium.

Again thank you all for your readership.

Iris B. Stehn, Steve Carnahan, Amae, J Oliver Dempsey, Raihana Rahman Nazifa, Patrick S. Smith, Brinas Mihaela, Hank, Sally A Mortemore, Randall Surles, Barbara Mangum, Damien Dixon, Mirrelle Beneffitte



T. Mark Mangum
Total Fiction

For the serious reader. Short, compelling fiction for the serious reader. I use Imagination, wonder, and surprise to create my tales. Please Enjoy reading them.