The Blue Dragon

T. Mark Mangum
Total Fiction
Published in
7 min readApr 28, 2023


Photo by Juan Molina on Unsplash

The Blue Dragon

In the peaceful land of Shreen, a great storm devastated pristine woodlands, lush swamps, and towering mountains. Cerulean, a Golden dragon woke to find all of his friends missing. This troubled him so and soon he became very sad. Cerulean searched the entire day and into the night before finally, being so tired he laid down in the middle of the field and slept.

The next day Cerulean was wandering about, calling out for his friends and feeling awfully down. When he noticed Jasper the Mountain Goat trotting through the field.

“Jasper, oh Jasper it is so good to see you. I am looking for my friends, have you seen them?”

Now Jasper was an old Goat and he had seen many things in his days. However, the sight of Cerulean was something else.

“Oh my, Cerulean the Gold; why are you so blue?”

“What do you mean?” The young dragon inquired; he had been so focused on finding his friends that he had not noticed the color of his usually shiny gold scales.

“Why just look at yourself my young friend do you not see the blue upon you?” Jasper the wise old Goat said pointing to the dragon’s long tail.

Cerulean looked, blinked, and spun around in a circle chasing and looking at his tail.



T. Mark Mangum
Total Fiction

For the serious reader. Short, compelling fiction for the serious reader. I use Imagination, wonder, and surprise to create my tales. Please Enjoy reading them.