The Forest of Dragons

Finding the fire within.

Sam Finlayson
Total Fiction


Photo by jasonjsmith_photography

She is walking in a forest, and beneath her feet is a carpet of green foliage. Fragrant white flowers fill spots within the green, and moss lines the trees. The sun has started to peek through the trees. She takes a deep breath smelling the faint scent of rain lingering. She has never felt calmer or more alive than she has in this beautiful forest.

A low rumbling off to the right catches her attention. She is surprised and curious to see a dragon sleeping soundly under a tree.

She creeps over, staring at the magnificent creature before her, bright red scales and colours dancing through the light pouring through the trees. Is this real? Has her brain finally snapped?

As she creeps closer, holding her breath. An eye opens, and a small warning stream of smoke snakes out. Undeterred, she continues forward. The dragon rises sharply and roars, fire exploding from its mouth.

Falling back to the ground, she squeezes her eyes shut and throws her hands up in front of her face. She feels the fire rushing towards her opening her mouth to scream nothing comes out. Forcing her eyes open and realises she is no longer in the forest.

Confusion and disappointment flood her thoughts. It was so real. She feels the heat from the fire still on her skin and…



Sam Finlayson
Total Fiction

Love 📚 New to writing but loving every minute. Write about my experiences with therapy, trauma and recovery as well as other things that cross my mind 😉