Historical Fiction

The Unraveling

Sheri Jacobs
Total Fiction


of Amelia Fluchter

A teenaged girl contends with the death of her father and her mother’s denial in a coming of age YA historical piece.
“Bad weather always looks worse through a window.”-Tom Lehrer (Image on CANVA)

Spring 1995

The sky is the color of a worn Brillo pad. This is what I’m thinking as I sit in the passenger seat of our Corolla. It is why my mother gnaws away at her non-existent fingernails behind the steering wheel, why backing out of our parking spot and actually heading to a store remains a merely contemplated idea for the past twenty minutes.

My father is dead — another thought that forms unannounced as I consider the tinny sky.

Mother Nature was pissed that day too. Only the world above our heads casts a different hue because it’s a Long Island sky, not a Houston one. Funny how storms can look so different based on where they happen.

No, not funny. Nothing is funny about different skies.

Something else that is not funny: My mother studying my breasts, moving her tiny hand away from her mouth just long enough to suggest touching them.

“We really need to take care of that. I mean look at them, they’re practically falling out,” she says.

I shove her tentative hand away and take pleasure in the wounded expression that crosses her dark eyes. In the back seat, my little brother’s head leans in from the back…



Sheri Jacobs
Total Fiction

Author, Educator, Actor www.sheri-jacobs.com Author of children’s book DREAM WRITE (pen name, Kiss) and the non-fiction book, THE FRIENDSHIP DIET. VO/film actor