Celebrating the Holidays — Virtually

Devin Seto
Total Kinetic
Published in
3 min readDec 8, 2020

Last year, I wrote a blog about Leading a Remote Workforce. The circumstances surrounding COVID-19 have driven many tech-related companies to make working from home the norm for their teams. While one can debate the various merits and challenges of the work-from-home model, one irrefutable truth remains: workplace gatherings are not going to be the same in 2020.

But you need not fret over this. I am here to tell you there are solutions! In my aforementioned article, I talked about how, in one of my previous companies, we held a weekly “Thirsty Thursday” virtual happy hour with the team. Two years later, we still meet regularly via Zoom even though the company is long gone.

If you’re like me, you likely miss the annual company holiday party. It’s a wonderful time to get to know colleagues on a personal level, eat a nice meal, and partake freely in the libations offered at the open bar. For the most part, you can assume these gatherings aren’t going to take place this year. Well, don’t despair, there are still options.

Virtual meeting platforms have made social gatherings a reality. So how do you structure a holiday party online? Here are a few activities a leader can facilitate with his or her team:

  • Craft Cocktail Demonstration — Each person sets up a “mini bar” in their home and showcases the making of their favorite holiday cocktail. If you’re really organized, you can assemble all the recipes into a compendium and share them with everyone on the team.
  • Share Traditions — Not everyone celebrates Christmas, and that’s okay. Take the time to share cultural or family traditions. Light the Menorah or Kwanzaa candle together, trim the tree, or read your favorite holiday story. As long as everyone is comfortable with sharing (check this with each person ahead of time), it’s a great get-to-know-you-better opportunity.
  • Holiday “Cribs” — Let your team show off their holiday decoration skills with a walk around each person’s home. Use mobile devices and laptops for this one.
  • Game Night — Use platforms like Tabletop Simulator to play a vast selection of games your team will enjoy. Cards Against Humanity is particularly fun online. Alternately, if your team is into video games, you can play some of your favorite multiplayer titles together.
  • Gingerbread Houses — This one takes a little bit of organizing. Each person needs to buy a kit in advance and during the holiday gathering, assembles and decorates it. You can even hold a contest for the best (and/or worst) decorated gingerbread house.
  • Movie Night — Not quite as social as the other ideas, but if you’re looking for a quiet evening, agree on a favorite holiday movie and watch it together. Plan some intermissions for bio breaks and snack times.
  • Singalong — Okay, bear with me here. While you probably don’t want to expose your eardrums to the cacophony of everyone singing at once with network lag, there is a solution. My wife teaches virtual music classes for children and she has everyone mute themselves. So you can sing with your family without fear of embarrassing yourself. Each person can take turns leading a song and can even throw in an instrument if they so desire. This is a blast after a few drinks!

These are just a few ideas. Mix and match them as you wish or explore other options. What’s important is that you and your team take the time to celebrate a challenging year together. Thank them for their hard work and wish them and their families well. Oh, and online gift cards are a great idea if you’re looking for a gift everyone can appreciate

Look for my upcoming book on Leadership in the Games Industry to be published in 2021. Subscribe to my blog for updates: https://medium.com/total-kinetic.



Devin Seto
Total Kinetic

I have been a leader in the games industry for nearly 20 years. With an array of experiences under my belt, I am excited to share what I’ve learned.