Getting Started with TotalCross using Eclipse IDE

How to configure TotalCross to run in Eclipse IDE and run your first Hello World application.

Diego Carrillo
TotalCross Community
3 min readOct 15, 2020


Getting Started with TotalCross using Eclipse IDE: Importing a HelloWorld Maven Project

❗ Please make sure that your Eclipse IDE for Java Developers is updated

Clone the HelloWorld repository

Step 1: Clone or download this repository containing a TotalCross HelloWorld application

Import and run the project from Eclipse IDE

Step 1: Open the Eclipse IDE and select File > Import...

Step 2: At the import menu, select Maven > Existing Maven Projects

Step 3: Click on Browse... and then select the folder where your HelloWorld repository is located

Step 4: Make sure Eclipse has recognized the pom.xml file and then click Finish

❗ Don’t worry if Eclipse shows an error about not finding marketplace entries to handle totalcross-maven-plugin, it won’t have any impact in your project. But if you want to get rid of it, follow the instructions at the readme file from HelloWorld project to update your pom.xml and fix the problem.

Step 5: Expand src/main/java at the Package Explorer tab, then expand com.totalcross, right-click the and choose Run As > 1. Java Application. The TotalCross simulator will open with your brand new application.

Package your application

Step 1: Right-click the pom.xml file and chooseRun As > 2. Maven Build...

Step 2: At the Goals text field, type in clean package, and then hit Run

Step 3: Maven will resolve all the dependencies that you need and build your application for the platforms configured at the pom.xml file. This project is configured by default to build to Android, Linux (x86), and Linux_arm targets. Fell free to remove platforms you don’t want and maybe add others such as iOS or Windows. The generated folders will be located inside your repository at target/install/<platform>. You can deploy a folder of any platform directly to your target and run your application anywhere!

You’re now ready to create your first project with TotalCross!

