Jess Brooks
Totally Mental
Published in
1 min readNov 10, 2016

“I am depressed because I live in a white-supremacist, patriarchal, capitalist world. I am depressed because people that look like me are constantly being murdered. I am depressed because the State has purposely made it difficult for black families like mine to survive. I am depressed because I have suffered traumas from white supremacy and the police state. I am depressed because the only way this will end is if we have continual revolutions. I am depressed because I don’t know if I’m going to know how it feels to be free…

The awareness is isolating. Which makes sense that social anxiety is such a common thing for black people and non-blacks in intentional resistance spaces. It feels as though this country and its cohabitants are constantly gaslighting you. When people ask me “how are you doing?” or “why are you depressed?” I wonder if this is someone’s extreme privilege and distance from my struggle that allows for them to be so naive, or are they just willfully ignorant?”

So much love today, to everyone whose mental health has been impacted by the outcome of this election.

Related: “Why Therapists Should Talk Politics



Jess Brooks
Totally Mental

A collection blog of all the things I am reading and thinking about; OR, my attempt to answer my internal FAQs.