“Woman Vocalizes Suicidal Feelings at Brunch but Melissa Talked Over It”

Jess Brooks
Totally Mental
Published in
1 min readOct 17, 2017

““I thought the candle read ‘Pumpkin Spice Cupcake’ but when I took it home I realized that what I had actually bought was ‘Pumpkin Spice Candy,’ which is such a ‘me’ thing to do!” says Melissa, who thinks depression is “just negativity”. She adds, “Honestly, I don’t even really remember Sharon being at that brunch. She’s so quiet lately.”

Another brunch attendee, Emma Miller, also doesn’t remember Russo’s failed attempt. “Um, I remember Melissa saying this hilarious thing about candles? Also I think Sharon started crying at one point, which she does all the time these days,” says Miller, “but last time she told us it was her allergies, so she’s probably fine. She would tell us if something were up. The candle thing though — so ridiculous!”

While Melissa did blithely intercept Russo’s barely-mustered attempt at a cry for help, Russo says she blames her own bad timing for the interruption. “I should have known Melissa would have had a fun anecdote to share with the group. She’s full of fun anecdotes.” Sighing, Russo adds, “I used to have fun.”"

A reminder that we have to give each other room to talk about the hard stuff



Jess Brooks
Totally Mental

A collection blog of all the things I am reading and thinking about; OR, my attempt to answer my internal FAQs.