Far Left Extremists Use Gamestop Chaos to Radicalize and Recruit On Youtube

Dr. Analyze
Totally Objective Media
4 min readFeb 4, 2021

Written by: Mr. Notpaydatll Bywelstreet

In a video released on the second of February the year of our lord Adam Smith 2021 radical liberal Kyle Kulinski of Secular Talk used the painful stock market tragedy involving hate groups on Reddit to recruit young and impressionable men to his brand of far-left communist socialist nazist seltzerist richism.

Completely unedited footage from Mr. Kulinski’s show.

Mr. Kulinski, a well-known hater of all those who have legs, proposed the ghastly idea that all people should be guaranteed healthcare regardless of their economic status. A terrible idea harkening back to Soviet healthcare policies which lead over 100 million people to die of having too much healthcare. One survivor recalls “When I went in the first time the doctor gave me a painful rectal exam and gave me my medicine. When I asked how much to pay, he said it was nothing. So naturally I went back the next day and the next day and the next day to get another rectal exam. They were free, I just couldn’t stop myself. And in the end I nearly died of being too free of buttcancer. Fortunately when I came to America that broke my addiction. Now I don’t feel comfortable even stepping into a doctor’s office for fear that I might be hit with a 1,000 dollar hidden bill for breathing privately owned oxygen. God bless America!”

Naturally such practices also lead to much wasteful healthcare spending, up to and including improving poor people’s health. Another former Soviet citizen recalls: “It was free, you know. So my whole family used to take a daytrip to the hospital on the weekends. We’d sit in the stale and unappealing waiting rooms and we’d have just so much fun. We’d wobble in the chairs, we’d read all the old magazines. It was a real blast. I mean, why would we go to Disneyland when we could spend hours waiting in a hospital for free?!”

No! Don’t look at this list! Avert your eyes!

Despite this proven trackrecord of failure Mr. Kulinski, no doubt possessed by the malevolent spirit of Karl Marx himself, used the recent stockholder tragedy to recruit people to these failed policies.

Being the psychopathic socialist that he is, he gave no heed at all in the video to the suffering and the trauma these Gamestop richists have caused. When asked about the event one Wall Street billionaire choked away tears as he admitted “My poor second wife. She’s going to have to move out of our second mansion in the hill country and… and… I apologize, this is a bit difficult for me.” After I handed him a hankerchief in the shape of the American constitution for him to blow his nose with, he continued. “And she’s going to have to sell her diamonds. All 75 of them! I offered her some sapphires but… the poor girl couldn’t bear the thought and I fear for her life. Especially after I saw her trying to choke herself to death with her 24 karat necklace.” Fortunately, he later elaborates, the people from the bank were able to reposses it before she succeeded in her efforts.

Of course, Mr. Kyle “Marx” Kulinski and his ilk, who claim to be so empathetic to the suffering of others, gave no regard to the suffering of these hard-working people on Wall Street. They, one billionaire explains, are going to have to cut their golfing trips from 100 days a year down to a mere 85. A hell that few of the plebs, from in their cozy one-bedroom appartments, could even bear to imagine.

One former hedge fund manager, broad-shouldered and beautifully muscled as all people on Wall Street are, even admitted he might enter his early retirement at 25 with nothing but a scant few millions to rest his head on at night.

A harrowing image that I hope Mr. Kulinski will remember next time he tries to spread his hatred.

Clearly there is but one solution to stop this mad man: We call on Youtube to remove criticism of our corporate overlo- I mean, hateful, hateful content and for the U.S. government to make our beloved and vulnerable job creators a protected class as they always should have been!



Dr. Analyze
Totally Objective Media

Writing about society, politics and a hefty dose of fiction.