Beautiful Men

Totally random
Published in
2 min readFeb 27, 2014


I am 26 years old so I have been around the dating scene enough to know at this point what is appropriate and what is not in terms of shit I am willing to deal with. I try to set the bar high and not take crap, but every now and then the guys with the charming smiles and uber handsome looks seem to be able to get away with more. I have even found myself in situations where I am dating this beautiful man and I love to look at him and see him shirtless, but I literally cringe when he opens his mouth. I mean I have even found myself saying in my mind what the fuck is this guy talking about and oh my god if he doesn’t shut up I will slap him. That should of been clue number one to run, but oh no you find yourself enjoying the way he looks to much. Instead you stay and hope the only time you hang out are at loud venues where it is impossible to have a conversation or in the bedroom where the only words you want to hear are “yes” and “more”. Eventually his stupidity becomes to much and you never talk to the guy again, but anytime you run into him for several minutes you will debate in your head why did I ever leave this beautiful man. I guess I can say at times I can be just as shallow and men can be. I like to keep the dating field even and if men can be shallow I can be too. The difference is I could never marry the beautiful man and overlook his complete lack of any intelligence just to satisfy my inner lust. Since I am not looking for Mr. Right just yet, I guess I will settle for being shallow a little while longer. Bring on the beautiful men..

