is Live on Totle

You can now earn interest with CHAI through Totle Swap with zero slippage!

2 min readFeb 12, 2020


Our latest addition to Totle Swap is (CHAI)! (CHAI) is an ERC-20 token that represents DAI being “steeped” in the DAI Saving Contract. This allows you to earn interest while holding CHAI without needing to have your funds locked-up.

At the time of writing this, the interest you can earn on CHAI 7.75% per year.

Normally, CHAI must be purchased with DAI. However, with Totle you can purchase CHAI from any supported ERC-20 token in one swap! Totle will automatically handle any intermediate swaps necessary for you to acquire CHAI.

Additionally, we’ve done a deep integration with CHAI. This means that when CHAI is purchased through Totle, DAI is used to mint new CHAI and when CHAI is burnt through Totle it’s being directly converted to DAI. This enables Totle to offer CHAI and DAI swaps with zero slippage.

To purchase CHAI on Totle Swap, simply connect a wallet, select the token you want to swap and CHAI, and automatically get the best pricing available on the decentralized exchange market.

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Get Started

Easily acquire CHAI with ETH or any popular ERC-20 token: Totle Swap

Build CHAI swaps and payments into your dApp: Totle Dev Portal

Totle is a decentralized liquidity aggregator that automatically acquires users the best pricing available for ETH and ERC-20 swaps.

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