Totle and LiquidSwap are partnering to provide decentralized ERC20 swaps in LiquidSwap’s platform. The Totle API is providing the necessary decentralized liquidity for hundreds of use cases to build on top of our backend system and further unite the fragmented DEX ecosystem. Core features include:
- 13 (and counting) DEX integrations,
- 130+ ERC20 tokens,
- Smart order routing system (our system finds you the best price with savings up to 99%),
- Split up an order across multiple DEXs while taking gas price into account,
- and more. We are constantly developing new endpoints!
About LiquidSwap
Together with Totle, Liquidswap has created a user friendly decentralized crypto exchange with the best liquidity and price in the DEX ecosystem.
After a lot of centralized exchange hacks, we believe this marks a new era for open finance. People can now exchange value peer-to-peer in a proper way without having to trust any party since it is all done directly from your own (hardware) wallet.
In the near future, Liquidswap will be integrating their token (ticker: SWAP) for an even better user experience with rewards, discounts and staking for further decentralization of the platform.
Partnering with companies like LiquidSwap is core to Totle’s mission. Each integration brings further access to DEX trading to users of all backgrounds. Totle’s “one-and-done” API integration ensures that individuals will have access to the best liquidity (lower spread, more trading options, etc.) and best prices (we check across the DEXs so you don’t have to!), thus lowering the barrier to entry. Totle is DEX trading made simple and successful.