Welcome to TOTVS Labs — dedicated to bringing innovation to the enterprise

Published in
2 min readMay 11, 2016

October 3rd, 2012

Working at a startup can be a magical experience. The energy that comes from uniting bright, ambitious people who believe they can change the world through innovation is truly amazing. It’s a world where creativity and drive trump bureaucracy and corporate inertia and anything is possible.

I love the startup atmosphere.

Yet as an entrepreneur, I know from experience that the startup experience comes with drawbacks. Resources like money and time are always scarce. It can be rough converting a promising idea into a marketable product that generates revenues. That’s when you wish you had the deep pockets of a major technology company.

TOTVS Labs: the Energy of a Startup and the Resources of a Global Software Firm.

We’ve created TOTVS Labs to bring the best of both worlds into one place. We’ve combined the collaborative, creative culture of a startup with the resources of TOTVS, S.A., the sixth largest software company in the world.

Have a great idea for a product? Are you an exceptional engineer who had change the way we look at technology and innovation? Come and talk to us. We can convert ideas into products and bring them to market, and even change the world as we know it.

Our parent company, TOTVS S.A. is also seeking strategic business opportunities. If you are a technology vendor, and you have a product that is already making a difference here in the U.S., we can make it easy to expand into the $39 billion IT market in Brazil, or even better, the $92 billion IT market in Latin America.

Do you have a great product that would transform how businesses operate in Latin America and around the world? Let’s talk.

Together we can change the world.

Vicente Goetten

TOTVS Labs Executive Director

