Case Study: The Knockout Visual logo

Touch of Gold
Published in
3 min readFeb 28, 2017

Your talents, your gifts are to be used to pour into the lives of others for their benefit. Being able to benefit a good friend and support their creative journey is a special joy that I always cherish. The Knockout Visual is the brainchild of one of such friend, Janessa Smith. We worked together to find the perfect logo for her brand.

Janessa wanted a logo that could represent her brand and be a watermark for all her photography and video work. It needed to simple and versatile. During the information and conversation stage of my client onboarding, Janessa mentioned she liked minimalism and pointed to pieces on my Dribbble as examples of the creative direction she wanted me to go in. I love when clients give me direction prior to starting. Creative clarity is more important than creative freedom — don’tcha know?

I allowed myself to play with different concepts and presented the best ones to her as options. I made good use of the Adobe Illustrator art board. With a name like “The Knockout Visual”, you can go in a few different directions. You can focus on “The Knockout” and create something that uses the boxing/fighting motif. Knowing the company will be about photography and videography, you can illustrate camera references. You can also take the letters K and V themselves and create a monogram of sorts to be a symbol of the company.

Janessa ultimately went with this logo. It’s the K and the V combined with the V doubling as a human being icon. From another perspective, part of an eye can also be seen, with the dot acting as the pupil. In photography and videography you are capturing moments and, often in Janessa’s case, people. It’s personal and professional. The final logo works well as a stamp, watermark, and social media avatar.

Be sure to follow Janessa on her journey to photographer/videographer super stardom. If you are in need of her services (she’s currently based in Greensboro, North Carolina), check her out. She offers videography and photography to businesses and personal brands that want to showcase themselves and what they offer.

“Visual stimulation assists with building business.”

– Janessa Smith


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If you want to check out some of my work, you can follow me on Dribbble, visit my portfolio site, and check out my Instagram. Thanks for reading!

Follow Janessa‘s work and blog at, YouTube, and on Instagram.



Touch of Gold

Publications Manager & Multimedia Designer at @KKYTBSHQ. Sorcerer Supreme.