3 important aspects of a successful Facebook campaign

Touch4IT Team
Published in
3 min readFeb 8, 2018

Do you use Facebook social network to promote your business and would you like to know how to create and set a successful campaign, that will attract new users or customers?

The Facebook social network has become an inherent part of marketing communication of many brands. Regardless of whether you provide services or sell products, Facebook will help you in many ways.

In 2010, this social network has earned more than 2 billion USD with the number of earnings steadily growing. At the end of the last quarter of 2014, the earnings had reached 2.6 billion USD. In 2016, total revenue reached 27.6 billion USD, with 45% stemming from display advertising — around 12.4 billion USD (Source: Forbes.com).

If you want to run a successful FB campaign, pay special attention to these three points:​​​​​​​

1. Use emoji

The entrepreneur portal states that more than 90% of all successful campaigns use emojis within their promoted content. The advertisers have started using emojis around the end of 2014 and ever since their use increases day-by-day. Coca-Cola, Chevrolet or Disney were the first brands to use emoji in their successful social network campaigns.

But the question is: “Why are emoji so popular?” Travis Montaque — founder and CEO of Emogi (a communication platform) — says: “The main purpose of emoji is to complete a simple text and portray the overall message. On the other hand, it also allows the consumers to express their feedback.”

A recent study has revealed that 84% female respondents and 75% male respondents express their feelings/opinions through emoji more often than by writing text messages. This is a result of Facebook being overloaded by content. A smiley — as a reaction to a post — expresses feelings or thoughts much quicker than words.

Source: androidcentral.com.

2. Use many photographs

A research of Entrepreneur portal has shown that advertising campaigns with multiple photos increase the conversion rate up to 20–30% and their overall relevance on the social network. Results related to the conversion rate are really interesting, as some of the campaigns (i. e.: without a picture or only with 1 picture) don’t even reach the conversion rate higher that 2%.

When choosing the right photo/picture for your campaign, it is important to remember that many users will see your campaign on mobile devices. The display is smaller on mobile devices, therefore it is advised to avoid small fonts or any small details that might not be visible.

What types of pictures have the greatest reach?​​​​​​​

  • Photographs of special moments in life (wedding, happy family,…).
  • Photographs of babies and cute animals.
  • Images rich in colours that catch the eye when scrolling down the FB Feed.
  • Photographs that speak to a specific target group.

Source: blog.paper.li.

3. Choose the right target group

Have you incorporated emoji to the content and chose the right photographs for a campaign? You still have one important step to take — choosing the right group of users. When choosing the target audience the following rule usually applies: „bigger is almost always better”. For a successful campaign it is wise to target an audience of approx. 60,000 people with an estimated reach between 5,000 and 20,000. However these numbers can change, depending on the type of campaign, the budget etc.

It is often worth it to test various audiences in various campaigns. Based on that you can see what type of users reacts to your advertising the best.



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