8 Tips to Create Killer Web Content

Miška Roštecká
Published in
4 min readJul 5, 2018

Nowadays, it is not difficult to create your own website but what is more challenging is creating the quality — clear, interesting, action-challenging — content that will sell your web. So, how to create killer content?

The key is to make visitor to fall in love with your web based on design and content in about 7–8 seconds. Why?

In 2015, many studies have come out saying that the average human attention span has dropped from 12 seconds to 8 seconds. It is funny to compare the average human attention span with the average attention of a goldfish which is 9 seconds. (Source: Statistic Brain)

Source: Statistic Brain

1. Write clearly & concisely

Everyone knows the first and most important rule but sometimes they forget it. Every entrepreneur wants to give visitor as much information as possible to understand that his products or services are perfect but usually less is more. No one wants to sift through a large block of text, so embrace white space. Use short & sharp headings, subtitles, avoid sentences of 5 lines, use plenty of paragraphs breaks to make your copy visually less imposing. :)

From the Touch4IT's portfolio, I have chosen the tailor-made website for JTRE:

Source: jtre.sk

2. Think about what your customers want, not what you want

Instead of asking, “what do I want to say about my business?”, you should rather ask yourself, “what do my customers need to hear?”. Some marketers use to highlight just the main features and parameters of the product and nothing more. This is the information that a customer can read on his own if he is interested, so it is not so “successful” approach. At that point, he needs to read (or hear) WHY he wants to buy your product — how it can help him or make his life easier, save time or money and so on.

Try to look at the world through the eyes of the customer and you will see what reasons can convince him.

3. Define your communication style

What do I mean? It is important to remember that, for example, if you are a law firm, you cannot communicate in the same way as an e-shop offering children's clothing. As a lawyer, you can choose a more “relaxed” communication but it still needs to remain within the limits of professionalism and responsibility.

In the first step, it is good to determine how you will communicate — whether you use everyday language, professional terms, or have your special jargon, etc.

4. Tell a story… but shortly

It is not a secret that people love stories… so if you want them to remember your brand, tell them your story.

An excellent example is Apple. This company sells its products through the story and emotions.

Watch this romantic video about AirPods…

Source: YouTube

…or look at the names of Apple devices — there is always 1 sentence revealing its story:

Source: Apple

5. Check the content multiple times

Often, I find myself looking at a website and finding some typing errors. Something like that should not happen anymore. Check your text multiple times and ideally ask someone else to do that, too. That person can see mistakes you cannot see.

6. Have a clear „Call-To-Action“ [CTA]

Do you want to make your visitors to buy? To register? To download something? To contact you? If you have a clear goal, give your audience clear direction. If you CTA is in the form of a button, it should:

  • look clickable so visitors will know that it is a button without thinking about it
  • have a 15-character limit
  • be placed on the most visible point where visitors are moving

From the Touch4IT’s portfolio, I have chosen the Skillandia Website:

Source: skillandia.sk

7. Show your team

This is important to remember:

„People buy from people; so be authentic, honest and trustworthy.“

So, you should give your visitors the feeling that a website belongs to a brand they like and that there are real people.

8. Understand when & why people say “yes”

Well-known brands use a variety of copywriting tricks to influence visitors/customers and direct them to an action. This “method” is called subconscious framing. The main purpose is to understand the way we all think. There are many things about customers that it is good to know:

  • If it is hard to make a decision, we tend to copy what other people thinking, say or do.
  • We place a lot of emphasis on products or services that we can use to help ourselves.
  • The price of a product or service affects our perception of its value.
  • Customers have more trust in companies that engage in socially responsible activities.

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Miška Roštecká

Head of Marketing at Touch4IT | Creative Writer | Enthusiastic & Ambitious Person