Reason 01: Why should Touch4IT work for you?

Michal Korman
Published in
2 min readJul 26, 2018

Many times are clients in search of something or they would like to improve something existing, but they just don’t know how. At Touch4IT, we make your ideas come to life by defining them to the tiniest detail and putting them into practice in their digital form.

Product oriented thinking

For long period of time, companies and, in fact, whole business sphere, were oriented on processes, its effectivity, revenue etc. Times are changing. Not only technologies are altering and evolving but demand of customers as well. They have started to be focused more on quick solutions solving their problems and on total experience with products and services. Therefore companies were forced to change their focus and thinking, which was the first step towards new approach — product oriented thinking. The same approach is implemented in Touch4IT as well. But what does it mean?

And what it means for the customers?

Thinking in products means that we are thinking about specific user problems, about jobs to be done and about goals. In addition, by answering questions “why build this product?” or “who needs this product and why?” and “how we will solve the problem?” we determine the core of the product, define the target audience and define the solution of the problem. That give us information for setting up the goals and strategy for creating specific and unique App or Web design, offering its improvement in terms of user experience or offering totally new solutions such as Augmented reality, Virtual reality, Blockchains and Chatbots.

“It’s not the customer’s job to know what they want.” (Steve Jobs)

This means that customers usually cannot specify how to solve the problem, they just want the problem to be solved. That’s why it is important to bring the solutions by focusing on the user, on his/her problems and solution through the product or service instead of focusing on the processes alone.

Thinking about new project? Great, let’s get started. For general questions, drop me a line at

