A Touchabl Story

EZE, Gabriel
Published in
1 min readOct 15, 2017
A Touchabl Story

So, my girlfriend and Tasha (fake name) are friends on a popular social network. Tasha frequently post gorgeous pictures of herself wearing trendy fashion; and my girlfriend, like many of Tasha’s friends want to know more aboutTasha’s fashion.

The problem is that Tasha cannot respond to all the comments about what she’s wearing; because Tasha has 100K friends. Moreover, that question seem creepy to Tasha, IDK.

So, my girlfriends tries to “google” it, but she didn’t get the result she desired. She asked for my help and I told her: “Sorry honey, you cannot google something when you don’t know the name.”

Tadah!!!! She had her eureka moment. She said:

“Why can’t we make pictures touch-able? …you know, instead of asking someone or trying to guess what it is, you simple touch it and it tells you what it is?”

That was the moment it all made sense.

Click here to Download Touchabl Pictures and start touching pictures (yours and others)

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