EZE, Gabriel
Published in
4 min readMar 18, 2018
Mind blown!

Now, what if I told you that we can teach your phone to help keep track of your inventory AND also help you take measurements without your usual measuring tape? Can you believe that?

My name is Gabriel Eze, and I represent a team of young, talented and future thinking indigenous software engineers in Africa in the area of artificial intelligence. We operate under the name Touchabl Pictures Limited, a company incorporated in the Federal Republic of Nigeria; and the reason we wake up every morning is to keep building solutions that will enable business owners and skilled artisans to work smart and sell more online.

Capturing and recording inventory still remains a BIG challenge for most businesses in Africa. Another challenge like it is taking measurement. You literally have to repeat the same routine over and over again.

Adding your product to inventory in 2 easy steps only. Snap and our AI will do the rest.

To solve the first BIG challenge, snap the product you want to record and we will use our AI (software) technology to label, categorize, and put it online automatically. This business process automation is particularly useful for business owners with literacy challenge. By having your products online effortlessly, it’s become more discoverable on search engines, on Touchabl Pictures platform, and on our partner website/apps.

Capturing sales is also as easy, that way, the business owner can know the health of their business from anywhere in the world.

Taking measurement is just as easy. Point your camera at the subject and touch any 2 points to measure. There’s a visual feedback that allows you to measure multi-axis simultaneously as well as drag marked nodes to re-adjust measurement, convert a node range to curve, etc.

Global retail sales in 2015 is $327B. There are over 500 million users, 1 million businesses on Instagram, and an average American spends nearly $500 shopping online annually. By contrast, only 7.3 million Instagram users are in African and Nigeria make up nearly half of that demography. This means a big opportunity to showcase “locally-made” goods to the international market using our smart technology and network.

Since we launched in 2017, we’ve experienced steady growth in user base. People just love us like that, you know. In 3 months we’ve grown from 368 to 1,100 users; most of them from Nigeria.

We are asking for $500,000 to enable us complete product development (which is at advanced stage). With initial burn rate of $2K, this money will give us a 40-monthr runway to market and onboard 10,000 paying customers. We pegged the cost of user acquisition at 14 cents per user and expect to earn an average revenue of $5 per user in the 1st runway year. This revenue will mostly come from commission on sales fulfilled, the rest will come from monthly subscriptions or one-time purchase of any of our business kits.

Our solution, while addressing the needs of local businesses in Aba is part of a bigger global race of using advanced software technology to meet business need. We have the right team with the right experience to execute our product and business model.

In the next 9 months, we are gunning for 100,000 users and to deploy a series of amazing consumer and business products. If you wanna take a ride with us, send an email to people@touchabl.com and someone will help you further understand our mission, vision and business model.

Thank you!

