StartupSouth3: Best event I ever attended yet

EZE, Gabriel
Published in
2 min readNov 13, 2017

While this may sound like a hype — as I won the pitch event and was crowned Champion — I will try to state my reasons why it’s the best event East of Nigeria in 2017. Before then, while the conference bootcamp lasted, these words kepts repeating in my sub-conscious: “Gabriel, what do you do in 1 sentence?” When I think about the answer today, I realized the bootcamp has helped me develop a persona for my product — Touchabl Pictures.

  1. You don’t have money; remember that when talking to investors: If you have money or are making so much money after few months of just starting, why do you need investors? It was insinuated that the urge to raise money is ideal when you have traction and no revenue. At that point, pitching means convincing the prospective investor that “It will work!” because it’s simple and easy to understand. Besides traction, tell your story from the heart, show that you know the competition and understand the market — Bruce Lucas
  2. Delegation gives you more time per day: If you work 8 hours a day, you have only 8 hours per day. But if you have 10 persons you work with, or who work for you (say, Managers) — each of them working 8 hours a day and managing different little tasks you’ve delegated to them — you have 80 hours per day. In this case, delegation increases your productivity by 10 time your personal capacity — Theodora Isola
  3. You have a life to live and a legacy to leave behind: The man who is going somewhere has passion written all over his being. S/he doesn’t sound rehearsed, instead, is very original and naturally true. Focus on the solution, get your users excited about it — Bruce Lucas
  4. Innovation succeeds: (a) Where there’s a path to adoption; (b) When it fits into the overall strategy; (c ) Because it performs and have metrics. For example, “Sell groundnuts to 1 million people everyday and you will have people dying to work for you.” — Hanson Johnson
  5. Sieve out people you need for your product (s). Not everyone is your customer. — Sam Ekwuribe

Until next time, touch this or this to make me very happy :D

