The Touchabl Hangout: Fashion meets AI

EZE, Gabriel
Published in
2 min readSep 9, 2018

Fashion selling and buying is fast leaving traditional channels, as Touchabl Pictures is stretching the traditional boundaries of fashion marketing, and with the support of technology we are offering an opportunity where fashion can be sold and bought on instant demand rather than traditional and social media hawking.

Touchabl Pictures is entering the market with the first tech supported Fashion yellow pages. We’ve embarked on a 10-city tour starting August 10th 2018, and have visited 7 cities so far. What we have learned about the market we’re addressing is HuuuuUUUUUuuuuuge!

Why are we doing this?

Our objective is to show local businesses and career persons in the fashion value chain how deep tech (such as AI) can help them grow their business/career. The persons of interest include; fashion store owners, photographers, fashion designers, stylists, make-up artists, and models. To achieve this, we needed a “Hangout” with these personas where we can interface with them directly and show them our roadmap towards supporting their ecosystem, and how this can help grow their company and career in the process.

We’ve built a couple of AI products we think will benefit the fashion business and the entire ecosystem, starting with the cities in our tour itinerary. So, as we visit each city, we meet with the stakeholders in fashion, photography and modelling, and show them what they have. Then have them use it and see if it will be beneficial to their career or business.

Afterwards, relationships can be formed with these early adopters where our products are tailored to meet your business needs for the digital economy. We believe that we have the technology niche that can disrupt how we buy and sell fashion in our cities.


Are you a designer? Make-up artiste? Model? Textile vendor? Fashion retailer? Photographer? Stylist? Fashion blogger?

You can be among the first set of people to be listed on our platform and enjoy premium demand and accelerated profit, especially as we approach the festive season. We believe this will be a game-changer. Visit these links;


Let us know what you think. Touchabl Pictures platform launches in October.

Enquiries? Write us;

