Touchabl Pictures: January 2018 Update

EZE, Gabriel
Published in
2 min readFeb 11, 2018

It’s been 3 months since we launched, and here are some highlights:

  1. In 3 months, over 1000 people around the world have downloaded Touchabl Pictures app on Android. Our download number grew from 150 in my last update to 1,028 as at January 30, 2018. We don’t have any budget for advertising yet.

2. Active users: 390, mostly Nigerians. We’ve also seen an increased daily activity in Russia and US but not compared to Nigeria which is . This is because our campaign on social media (particularly Facebook) are reaching mostly Nigerians.

3. Most active country: Nigeria (followed by Russia, India & US)

4. Number of touches: ~ 5,000. People mostly touched women hair and sneakers compared to November stats where it was women hair and make-up kits. We also learned something weird; some people are touching explicit stuffs and there are many of such touches in January 2018. We figured it’s time to build a privacy tool to protect kids and other people who may find such Touchabl behaviour offensive.

2018 is looking good for us already. In the next 3 months, we are gunning for 100,000 users. We will achieve this by doing more of what worked in the last 3 months: talking more in private and public events, engaging more on social media, and micro-blogging more. Additionally, we want to invest more time in content marketing.

While all these are going on, we are continuing to work on and upgrade our platform; this upgrade will enable us publish an API to enable other developers, bloggers and other third parties to use our technology.

Finally, thank you for your time. We are always open to suggestions, connections, recommendations and opportunities.

Check out Touchabl Pictures by clicking here.

