Your pictures will automatically come alive when you touch it!

EZE, Gabriel
Published in
2 min readOct 15, 2017
Touchabl Pictures: How it works

Vanity Metrics

The modern world generate 657 billion photos per year. To put it into perspective, we take more photos every 2 minutes than ever existed in the last 150 years. This is according to the annual internet Trend report by Mary Meeker in 2014 which stated that 1.8 billion photos were uploaded online every single day of that year. In other words, our world from the digital dimension is a gigantic mass of visual information.

Vanity Metrics

Nothing new, unique or fantastic.

This is an unsolicited request, so please (and kindly) accept my apologies (in advance) for intruding.

👉 You can now actually touch things inside the picture to know what it is. For example, if you see a watch in a picture and you touched it, it will give you information about the watch… plus, it will show you pictures of other watches that looks like it.

Think about all the things you can do with this app! We don’t know how this app will add value to your everyday life — for example, if it can help you get fashion ideas on what to wear or to know the designers your favourite celebrities is wearing, or shop for something when you don’t know the name. Well, you decide. My role is to gift you with the tool you will require (in this case, this Touchabl Picture app).

This app is still very young and we want to make it very good and even better for everyone.

So, here’s what we areasking of you. Help us test this app and provide feedback to help us improve it further.

Here’s the link 👍❤️

Or go to

And thank you, as we look forward to your feedback (especially telling me about the things that are not working well).

P.S: In case you don’t know what feedback to give, here are some ideas:

1. Can you tell, on first impression, what the app is about?
2. Is the app easy to understand and use without someone else assisting you?
3. Is the app responsive and fast?
4. Are there any broken links? Is something misbehaving or not working well?
5. What are your expectations , and where did we fall short?

You can leave a comment below, or you can send me an email to

Thank you! Much appreciated.

Gabriel Eze

