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A Text Tale. My Worst Bug in 40 Years

A debugging tale of blind alleys, despair, and the power of stubbornly just keeping playing with something until you notice a vital clue.

Andy Dent
Published in
7 min readFeb 26, 2022


Touchgram got stalled for an embarrassing, almost three full months, in 2020.

With one bug.

I’ve been a developer for nearly 40 years and seen some horrible code. I’ve even written some of it. As I’ve tweeted recently, I don’t tend to write simple bugs any more. I’ve built good instincts, practices and enjoy working in a robust language (Swift), with a moderately healthy testing regime.

But I still got stuck.

It took until the end of 2021 for v1.3 to finally make its way to the store. I wrote this story a year ago but was not willing to publish it until I could prove I had a shipping version.

Here’s the bug, in all its horror.

Fig 1 — Touchgram Bug in Text editor

Touchgram v1.3 introduced a new feature, allowing you to position text over the top of the background picture.

It is the start of building up interactive greeting cards or Touch Memes.



Andy Dent

Touchgram interactive messaging CEO/Founder looking for art, sound & advertising partners. Martial artist. Parent of adults. Coder & designer 30+yrs. Australian