With a canine supervisor, dogfooding is the way to learn what works.

Onboarding Touchgram with Touchgrams

Why the next version of Touchgram teaches you how to use it, with a bunch of Touchgrams.

Andy Dent
Published in
5 min readJun 6, 2022


“Why Dogfooding?”

There is an old tradition in product development that supposedly dates back to real dogfood manufacturers — if the members of the board couldn’t stand the taste of the dogfood then it wasn’t fit for dogs either.

“Yeah but what does that have to do with Touchgram?”

Touchgram is a content creation app that lets you create small interactive experiences (inside Apple iMessage). It seemed a bit lacking in faith to use something else to create onboarding content.

I am cheating a tiny bit as a dogfooder. Some of the features used in onboarding are available only when playing back messages. There is not yet an interface to create those entire experiences. However, this almost entirely represents things that you will be able to create within Touchgram by the end of the year.

There were a few alternatives considered:

  1. Build the onboarding entirely within the iOS UIKit app programming, as done for the existing help prompts. This is slow and…



Andy Dent

Touchgram interactive messaging CEO/Founder looking for art, sound & advertising partners. Martial artist. Parent of adults. Coder & designer 30+yrs. Australian