Touchgram 1.3.5 Improving Usability

Andy Dent
Published in
2 min readSep 10, 2024


Unwinding a complicated editor and a reducing annoyances.

This version was a while coming, with a bunch of deep improvements to enable the up-coming store, more iOS 17 fixes and trying to make life easier to make your quirky messages.

Oh, and we’re leaning into Send a touchie today!

Onboarding pain (sorry)

Touchgram 1.3.4 introduced Onboarding to help teach you a little bit about Touchgram, by playing a simple Touchgram that shows the different kinds of touch.

Onboarding shouldn’t keep nagging you so now it won’t — if you ignore it by hitting Make Messages twice in a row, you won’t be nagged again.

Missing the point.

As well as reacting to a touch sense failing (like not enough tickles), you can now specify that a touch completely missed the area it was supposed to be applied in. You might have a different sound or show a different page in that case.

The Sense Touch editor has switches for Sense wrong touch and Sense missed area, that will be enabled when appropriate.

Screenshot of Touch editor with controls to select different kinds of touch and switches for sensing the “wrong touch” or “missed area” as well as switches for hints to show where to touch and feedback as you touch.

Hoisting Hints and Freeing Feedback

Hints on where to touch were buried inside the Sense Touch editor.



Andy Dent

Touchgram interactive messaging CEO/Founder looking for art, sound & advertising partners. Martial artist. Parent of adults. Coder & designer 30+yrs. Australian