‘Touchpoint’ comes to Medium

Sharing a selection of articles from the Service Design Network’s journal with the broader community

Jesse Grimes
3 min readFeb 14, 2019


The Service Design Network (SDN) is proud to launch a new channel to bring content from our journal Touchpoint to a wider audience. Starting now, in early 2019, we will be publishing a hand-picked selection of articles and interviews here on our dedicated Medium account.

About ‘Touchpoint’

Touchpoint has a paid circulation, and is published three times each year by the SDN, both in hard-copy and in digital format. It recently celebrated its tenth year, and from its inception, has been the only publication of its type dedicated to covering the global practice of service design.

A typical issue is approximately 100 pages, with 15 in-depth articles, as well as an interview, and shorter news items from the SDN and our community. We typically select around two articles for each issue that are made freely available. These articles will be published here on Medium.

Paid members of the SDN receive complimentary copies of the hard-copy edition of Touchpoint, and enjoy digital access as well. Those with a free “Community follower” membership receive access to the entire Touchpoint archive (all issues except the most recent three).

If the small selection of articles here piques your interest, you are invited to browse the entire 10+ year archive of Touchpoint on the SDN website.

The Service Design Network


The SDN is a global, non-profit organisation established in 2004, bringing together a community of service design practitioners (in agencies and in-house), academics, researchers and students.

If you are studying or interested in service design, taking your first steps in our discipline, or a seasoned professional, you are cordially invited to become a part of our global community.

Besides Touchpoint, we publish a series of Impact Reports and have recently collected three years of award-winning service design projects into an invaluable resource: the SDN Award Annual.

A growing network of more than 40 SDN Chapters exists, offering the chance to connect and share knowledge face-to-face in cities around the world.

You are also welcome to subscribe to our free, bi-monthly email newsletter Insider.

Our additional activities include



Jesse Grimes

An independent service design practitioner (kolmiot.com), SVP of the Service Design Network, Editor-in-Chief of the journal “Touchpoint”, co-founder SDN Academy