The Unexpected Benefits of Being Alone With Yourself

Insights on the power of solitude from great thinkers

Melissa Gouty
Tough Cookie
Published in
5 min readMay 5, 2020


Photo by Tyler Nix on Unsplash

“There is a difference between loneliness and solitude; one will empty you, and one will fill you. You have the power to choose.”

The sheer power of solitude

I can spend days writing in my blue, book-cased office. I can be absorbed — hour upon hour — lost in the nebula of words, each one begging to be plucked and brought to earth. I worked in solitude for nine months, blissfully working on a manuscript every day to bring it from an embryo to a full-bodied book.

Solitude is a powerful force, drawing me in like quicksand.

I actually have to fight the pull of solitude, balancing my need for it with my husband’s requirement for company. (That’s another post altogether. Luckily for me, I have a husband who understands me and who works to accommodate my intense need for alone-time.)

The need to be alone is inherent in my nature, one of the puzzle-pieces that makes me who I am.

As a younger woman, I used to dream about being on a deserted island, serving as a lighthouse-keeper, or writing great works while living in a…



Melissa Gouty
Tough Cookie

Writer, teacher, speaker, and observer of human nature. Content for HVAC & Plumbing Businesses. Author of The Magic of Ordinary. LiteratureLust and GardenGlory.