Boost your tour marketing with Affinity Artists

Songkick Tourbox
Published in
2 min readApr 3, 2018

Say hi to Affinity Artists on Tourbox. We’re surfacing super-relevant artist targeting data that you can shake, bake and apply to your artist’s media buys across socials, search, email and beyond.

Whatever your marketing budget, you’ll be looking to get the most bang for your buck through smart, informed targeting. You’re likely to ask yourself questions like:

  • Which other acts does my artist sound like?
  • Which other artists are our fans listening to right now?
  • Who are we being playlisted alongside?

And sure, there’s a heap of logic in assuming that fans of similar music are worthy of your marketing spend. But what if you could tap into something more tangible?

Affinity Artists on Tourbox

With affinity artists, you can see:

  • Which artists your fans are tracking for concert alerts
  • Which artists your fans are actually buying tickets for and seeing live

Getting up off the sofa to go to a concert — that’s a real and transactional relationship between a fan and the artists they love. Which means that with the affinity artists we’re surfacing, you can target cohorts of fans with confidence and increase the efficiency of your ad spend.

What’s more, because affinity artists aren’t shoe-boxed by ‘similarity’ to your own artist they might surface some surprises!

To view your affinity artists, simply log into Tourbox and head to ‘Fan Insights’. You’ll find Affinity Artists at the bottom of the page.

If you have any questions about this or any other part of Tourbox, don’t hesitate to get in touch!

