Growing your audience on Songkick

Songkick Tourbox
Published in
3 min readMar 14, 2018

Ever wondered how to squeeze the most juice out of the Songkick ecosystem?

Well — here’s a brief introduction to doing just that!

Here, we’ll cover the basics of trackers (followers) on Songkick and how to grow your audience on Songkick.


What does this mean? These are fans who follow you on Songkick and will receive notifications from you when tour dates are announced. These are sent geographically, so trackers in London will only be notified when you announce a tour date in London, trackers in Berlin will only be notified when you announce a concert in Berlin….you get the idea.

The more trackers you have:

  • The more users will be notified when you announce new events
  • The richer insights you will get in Tourbox (having more fans improves the reliability of data and stronger insights can be generated)

How are trackers notified?

Currently, fans are notified by email and via push notifications in the iOS and Android apps.

Concert notifications on Songkick: If you announce a concert in Berlin, all your fans who go to concerts in Berlin will be notified.

How can I get more trackers and grow my audience on Songkick?

  1. Install the Songkick Tourbox Widget on your website. This will give fans the ability to subscribe for notifications as soon as events are announced. By building up your audience in your off-tour cycle you can maximise your marketing when a new tour is announced.
Example of the Songkick Tourbox widget. The subscribe button allows fans to get concert notifications when you announce a tour.

2. Add a link to your Songkick Profile on your website: If you add a Songkick link to your artist page on Songkick, fans can track you directly.

Here is a link to an artist page:

ABOVE: Adding a link to your Songkick Artist page will allow fans to track you more easily, boosting your tour marketing potential.

How can I see my tracker growth?

In your Tourbox account, go to the Audience Insights report and there you can see your month-on-month trackings to see what progress you’re making.

Example of the Trackings Growth chart in Tourbox

Typical growth patterns

From your tracking growth chart, you can determine what action might need to be taken based on its shape.

Above: Common growth patterns
  • Steep gradient: If you have a steep gradient trending upwards this indicates your artist is growing rapidly on Songkick. Great job!
  • Shallow gradient: If your chart has begun to flatten off but is still trending up that means you’re still growing month-on-month which is great news.
  • Shallow gradient (trending down): If your gradient is declining, this indicates that your artist is still growing but at a much slower rate than previously.

How can I see where my fans are?

In the Audience Insights report, you are able to see a fan map which shows a high-level overview of where your fans are across the world. This is helpful for quickly understanding the international growth of your artist and whether they are expanding into new markets.

The fan map on Tourbox shows you where you have concentrated fan bases at-a-glance.

If you have any questions — don’t hesitate to contact us or leave a comment.

