“GT” Insight Bites: Diverse perspectives on economic degrowth and tourism

Stencil wall by kamiel79 (CC0); question mark by kropekk_pl (CC0). Both via Pixabay.

Tourism in the post-pandemic ‘new normal’ should be informed by economic degrowth, say some tourism academics and industry commentators who believe we can and should consume — and travel — less.

If you are an academic or commentator, how would you summarise your views on degrowth for a general industry audience?

If you are a travel & tourism practitioner, what might degrowth mean for your organisation and the source markets and destinations in which you operate?

For this “GT” Insight Bites, your correspondent put the proposition and questions above to a range of travel & tourism stakeholders, and invited written responses of up to 300 words. Thanks to all who responded. Their replies appear in order of receipt.

Click/touch a name to go straight to their answer:

  • Jim Butcher — ‘We can do better than the bleak austerity of degrowth’
  • K Michael Haywood — Reconciliation, pragmatism must end ‘war over tourism’
  • Andrew Chan — Livelihoods depend on tourism’s regrowth, not degrowth
  • Thomas Bauer — Tourism growth, not degrowth, will be the future
  • Yana Wengel — From economic growth to balance and ‘good living’
  • Stephen Pratt — Tourism degrowth is a ‘noble quest’, but ‘wishful thinking’
  • David Newsome — Doing travel better through ecotourism is the way forward
  • Ivana Damnjanović — Tourism degrowth is not a one-size-fits-all solution
  • Greg Bakunzi — Rwandan development, jobs affected by COVID degrowth
  • Ronda Green — On behalf of wildlife and eco-tourists …
  • Edwin Magio — Don’t overlook this effective sustainable tourism model
  • Sudipta K Sarkar — Tourism degrowth is ‘regressive’; a ‘momentary delusion’
  • Peter Semone — ‘Degrowth will be forced upon the tourism industry’
  • Gabby Walters — What happened to ‘build back better’? There is still time
  • Ken Scott — Economic degrowth is a ‘disastrous fantasy’
  • Jonathon Day — Tourism degrowth is ‘easily misunderstood’
  • Bronwyn Hutchison — ‘Our love affair with growth must end’
  • Erika Jacobson — Maybe the tourism industry is placed to lead …
  • What do you think?

Previous “GT” Insight Bites:



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