TGx Guidelines for Authors and Readers

(TGx) Tourism Geographic’s Copyright & Republishing Guidelines

We are committed to “Open Access” and “Open Sharing” of our content.

Tourism Geographic Editor
Tourism Geographic


Our policy is to be as open as possible in allowing the copying and reproduction of the articles published in Tourism Geographic (TGx). To enable this, we ask that you carefully follow the guidelines provided here.

Copyright Considerations for Authors

Copyright considerations are provided in the Welcome to ‘Tourism Geographic’ — Introduction & Guidelines document. Please review these guidelines before submitting your article to TGx.

Republishing (Copying) Guidelines

TEXT: All articles published in Tourism Geographic are done so under the Creative Commons — Attribution NoDerivatives 4.0 International License (CC-BY-ND) for the article text only. (Photos, images and figures are different as discussed separately, below.)

  • Creative Commons (CC) means you can copy the text and use it freely by following these guidelines.
  • Attribution (BY) means that you must be cite the author(s) AND the URL linking back to the original Tourism Geographic web page for the article. In addition, you must include the text:
    — “This article was originally published in Tourism Geographic, on ____.” [enter the original publication date]
  • NoDerivatives (ND) means you cannot change any of the text of article without written permission from one of the authors.
  • This copyright only covers the text of the article.
  • We also republish some articles that were originally published by The Conversation. Those articles must follow The Conversation’s republishing guidelines, which are similar to those Tourism Geographic.

GRAPHICS: Photos, images, maps, diagrams and other figures each have their own separate copyright based on their source. Please check the source before copying these.

  • Many of the graphics that are created and owned by the author(s) are fully copyrighted by them, with “all rights reserved”, which means you need written permission from the author or owner to copy and re-use the graphic.
  • Most of the other graphics have a Creative Commons (CC) — Attribution (BY) copyright (CC-BY), which means you can copy the graphic but must indicate who created it and provide a link to the source, if at all possible. Most of these are from and, which is indicated in the linked text below the graphic. Please check the link for the most accurate copyright designation.

If you have any questions about these policies, please contact one of the Managing Editors of Tourism Geographic:

