Towards ‘magnificence’: The aspirational trajectory of value-creating journeys

Image by Jill Wellington (CC0) via Pixabay.

Magnificent’, the adjective, should properly be applied to human actions and virtues rather than tangible things, derived as it is from the Latin ‘magnum facere’, which means to do something great.

Why is ‘Magnificence’ K Michael Haywood’s “North Star”? And how does he think tourism should navigate towards it?

It’s a “Good Tourism” Insight. [You too can write a “GT” Insight.]

Creating ‘Community Shared Value’ demands that DMOs rethink tourism cluster initiatives, governance and policies.

But, in these times, as we wonder how to begin again, wherein lie the commitments to create authentic breakthroughs and achieve complete transformations?

If we are to restore the integrity of our communities-as-destinations, it’s essential that we progress beyond tourism’s mere functionalities.

But how do we champion the values that embrace those that are emotional, socially impactful, and life affirming?

In the interest of the common good, and, in hope for aspirational futures, how do we ensure that our trajectory does not deviate from being on the Up & Up?

For me it begins by having a North Star, “Magnificence”:


I view magnificence as a civic virtue that conjures up the extraordinary.

It guides us in all we set out to do and achieve for others; and it emboldens us to eliminate misery and vilify mediocrity, thereby allowing us to compose our own odes to joy.

If not, there “ain’t no sunshine” when it’s gone, particularly if we permit environmental calamities to remain unresolved; inappropriate tourism development to continue unabated; or injustices and inequities to persist.

It’s downright disheartening when visitors disappear, employees feel exploited, citizens are upset, and communities compromised or abandoned. In such circumstances, destination life cycles are bound to collapse.

Magnificence can be achieved. Most threats can be circumvented or removed. Recovery and resurrection are always possible. After all, when we set out to win the long game, the human species is capable of mustering boundless energy and resilience.


The success of individual enterprises and communities-as-destinations has been premised on … continue reading this “Good Tourism” Insight (and many others) at The “Good Tourism” Blog.



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