What Made the Conflict Between Affordable Travel and Sustainable Tourism?

Something happened decades ago to change the way the public travels

Valerie Delzer
Tourism Geographic


Looking out the window of a jet plane seeing clouds and the sun
Photo by Tom Barrett on Unsplash

This might not be a question you would ask when you are searching for the lowest fare for your next trip but it’s a big part of why we are facing the need for sustainable tourism over the next decade.

The Aviation Industry Changes the Way We Fly

You see, in the late 1950s the airline industry started to grow when they changed from piston-engines to jet-propelled aircraft. The big giants of that time, Pan American, TWA, United were jockeying to get more passengers on their routes. The competition was heating up. But the airline industry was tightly controlled or regulated by the government. There was only so much they could do to make the airline industry more accessible for the masses.

Fast forward to 1978 when then President Jimmy Carter signed into law the airline deregulation act. This opened up the airline industry to compete like never before. Safety was a main consideration as well as the perks or benefits they could offer customers. More jets in the skies meant more routes to fly. More routes meant more choices for the public.

