A Pet Cafe in Singapore’s Holland Village called Plain Meredith

Luckily the air-conditioning was strong as it was another scorcher of a day

Shanti C K
Tourist in My Own Country


Photo by author: latte at Plain Meredith and dogs in prams

My partner always chooses a latte and I choose a flat white, as it is stronger with less milk. He’s not so much a coffee drinker and horrors – actually likes Starbucks. I refuse to go there as I find the coffee very dilute. I think that’s why Starbucks is not successful in places with a strong coffee culture like Australia. It’s good for the fancy coffees though like the seasonal drinks and I love the merchandising. Some really pretty coffee flasks.

photo by author: flat white at Plain Meredith

When this place caught my attention I didn’t know it was a pet cafe. Or should I say a cafe that welcomes pets so it was filled with them, mostly dogs.

I have never had a pet in my life. I wrote about it some time ago.



Shanti C K
Tourist in My Own Country

Gen X cancer survivor. Childless by circumstance. Thankful for the little angels in my life. Navigating grief & loneliness. Keeping hope in my heart 🩵