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Summer | Vacation

A Slice Of My Summer

Dreaming About Last Year.

Tourist in My Own Country
6 min readJan 30, 2024


One of my favorite things to do during the summer is to see nature, a few castles and historical places. And more nature. Because during the summer Sweden really turns into a lush wonderland and every day is a new chance to experience the tranquil qualities of it all.

Last summer was no exception, me and my significant other did our best to get out there and see places of historical value and nature, the forest and lakes especially.

The first picture above is from the nature park of the castle you’ll see further down the article. They have a wilderness park with all sorts of animals. Didn’t see too many of them though, I guess they were shy that day.

Photo by Author.

Glysa, the giantess

The path above is from a place just outside of town, it’s a trail that goes around a place formed by the ice age when Sweden was under a thick layer of ice. If you’ve seen Game of Thrones and the wall of ice, you know what I mean. This place in particular though is dedicated to the giantess Glysa.



Tourist in My Own Country

Self-proclaimed artist by night, production manager by day. I write about what pops into my head, so it'll probably be all over the place.