Be Part of the “Tourist in My Own Country” Directory

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Tourist in My Own Country


Created using Canva Pro by Author

A big thank you to all our readers and writers for being part of this publication.

Tourist in My Own Country is a place where we celebrate the beauty and uniqueness of the places we call home. This publication is built on the stories of everyday travelers like you and me, who find joy in exploring the familiar and the unfamiliar right in our own backyard.

This story is a little different. I’m creating it to bring together all the amazing writers who contribute to this publication, in one easily accessible list.

My goal is also to make it simple for readers to discover more about the countries you’ve explored, and for writers to showcase the experiences they’ve shared.

If you’re a writer and would like to be featured in this story, here’s how you can get involved:

1. Tell me your home base — Let me know which country you’d like to represent in the comments. Your name will appear under that country in the list below.
2. Create a list of your stories — Make a list of all the stories you’ve written for this publication and share the link in the comments. I’ll link this to your name so that readers can easily find your work.
3. If you’ve lived in more than one country — If…



Tourist in My Own Country

An INFJ sharing his thoughts about life and events around the world. A photographer freezing fleeting moments of life with his camera.