I Feel Like A Stranger In My Own Country

Janis Groß
Tourist in My Own Country
3 min readMay 26, 2024


Streetart by alanizart | Photo by author

For 18 years I’ve been living in Germany, yet I feel like a stranger.

I feel like I don’t fit in, like I don’t belong here.

I feel drowned out by the noise of the hostile, stupid, ignorant masses, stating things like:

“Foreigners take away our jobs”
“Climate change isn’t real”
“Homosexuality is illegal”

Fuck, I’m sick of it.

Politicians of the far-right propaganda party AfD are talking about “remigration” and mass deportations of immigrants, even screaming nazi slogans. The same party, according to election projections, is the second most popular party in Germany.

So-called “progress” is threatening our very livelihood. Our oceans are being polluted, our forests cut down, greenhouse gases blown into the atmosphere, animals are ‘factory-farmed’, and pesticides sprayed on our fields.

We know that we can’t continue to live this way, yet we fail to make a change. People are afraid of change.

Instead of constructively looking for solutions, our governing parties are caught up in power struggles, obsessed with their popularity. Instead of acting, our government is babbling. Its inability to solve our problems is reason enough for people to fall…

