Health Risk

I Thought I Almost Lost My Mother

Daksh Parmar
Tourist in My Own Country
5 min readMar 17, 2024


By Author

For 2 weeks I couldn’t publish any stories, as my world was turned upside down when my mother’s health took an alarming turn.

It was a terrifying experience that made me realize the truth behind the saying, “Seeing your loved ones in pain hurts more than your own.”

On the 4th of March, after lunch, my mother took a short nap, as she often did. However, this time, she woke up and rushed to the bathroom, vomiting. Our eyes met, and I could see the unusual discomfort etched on her face. “I’m feeling dizzy,” she said. But she could walk and after a few minutes, she was normal.

At first, we didn’t think much of it, and we assumed it would pass.

We carried on with our day, having dinner as usual. But in the early hours of the morning, around 4 AM, I woke up to the sound of someone throwing up. I peeked out and rushed towards her as she was painfully puking and had a terrible headache.

Like any typical Indian mother, she tried to brush it off, insisting she was fine. But I wasn’t keen on accepting it, so I took her to the clinic nearby, they said, It could be food poisoning. I was confused, she ate what I ate and I was completely fine.

Still, that doctor gave her some medicine, and we got home.

My mother needs her house cleaned to the ultimate level and always works all day, could be OCD.

But I strictly told her to rest and thankfully she did, also even if she tried to clean it was difficult coz of her dizziness.

I prepared her meals and ensured she took her medication, hoping for a speedy recovery. I thought she would be fine, but the next day was worse.

I woke up at 6 AM and checked on her, only to find her sleeping peacefully. Not wanting to disturb her, I made tea and waited for her to wake up. An hour later, she rose from her bed, but after taking just two steps, her legs buckled, and she nearly collapsed to the ground but I quickly grabbed her. Now I knew this was getting worse.

No one was at the house, I was scared, I quickly booked a taxi and took her straight to the hospital.

She can barely stand, just outside the hospital, By the time we reached the entrance, she could barely stand. The staff promptly brought a stretcher and took her.

I was doing the paperwork, filling out forms, and worrying about my mother. The hospital was full of people in pain and now my mother too as she couldn’t even open her eyes.

When I got back from reception, they rushed her to the emergency, I was sitting on the floor outside, and couldn’t even sit on the chair, my legs were trembling.

I asked the nurse what exactly happened, but they also didn’t know and quickly ran for blood samples and gave her a drip, thankfully she was breathing normally.

Exactly an hour later, the Doctor came out and said we had to admit her, I agreed. My father was also away for work and after she was admitted I called him.

Till my father came in the evening, I was worried, sitting beside her, can’t even imagine what would’ve happened if I had not been there.

When my father finally arrived, his concern was palpable, but the initial blood tests had no conclusive results. My mother woke up, but the dizziness was still there, for the next 3 days, doctors did all the testing but no concrete report came out to prove her dizziness.

After 3 days, her condition got better, she could walk but still needed some help. My mother hates the hospital vibe and said it’s better to go home and get better there and the doctor didn’t mind her decision as there were no serious findings.

At home, my mother’s recovery was slow, and the persistent dizziness prevented her from carrying out any daily task, which only added to her distress.

After 2 days we went there, and since it was a brain problem, the doctor didn’t want to take any risk and told us to do a CT scan so we did.

And here is the report.

The report was somewhat normal, nothing very crucial was in it but a large retention cyst comes in the finding. Usually, it goes away automatically but sometimes it can cause dizziness, and it can caused by a virus, sometimes a virus that causes a cold or fever for a long time can also be the culprit.

Finally, we knew what was the real problem, but since it goes away naturally, he told us to make sure she had everything hot and had a good diet.

Now, more than a week later, the dizziness is reducing more and more and I am very very happy she is getting better and better.

I was looking at the Medium stories on my phone trying to read them in the hospital and later at home, but honestly, my mind was too worried about more serious things and nothing is more serious than the health of your loved ones.

I really missed Medium and I will make sure to be regular in it but also will not compromise my mother’s health.

The amount of work I did at the house all day just so she wouldn’t worry about the cleanliness of the house, literally made me realize how much work she put into it. And I was singing as I was cleaning like a hymn that my mother is superhuman.

Thank you for reading! I hope you all have a healthy life, and make sure you eat what you cook, and Take care of yourselves for your loved ones.



Daksh Parmar
Tourist in My Own Country

Sharing a positive light, from the negative self I was once.