Just January: A Casual Recap About What Went Down

We’re 11 months away from the end of 2024.

Janier Chua
Tourist in My Own Country
4 min readJan 31, 2024


Gosh, time just flew by, and it’s already the end of January. Funny thing is, my name starts with Jan- because I was supposed to be born in January. (Just for laughs! Though it’s true, my mother told me.) I haven’t been feeling particularly inspired lately.

However, I love reading Shanti C K’s updates about her happenings in Singapore. I want to follow suit, so here’s a small snippet about what’s going on in my life this January.

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Visiting the ArtScience Museum

As the world gradually restores itself from Covid-19, Singapore has begun welcoming tourists back into the country. Before Covid, I was a huge fan of the exhibits at the ArtScience Museum. I even considered joining the museum’s membership — that’s how much I loved it. The museum itself is a beauty, and it hosted a variety of fascinating exhibitions, from Titanic to Harry Potter.

Photo of an exhibit by author

This year, I finally found some time to visit the museum for an exhibit about Mars. It was intriguing to observe how different cultures believe in and represent Mars in their art and historical documents.

The exhibition, ‘Mars: The Red Mirror,’ also features movies, books, and science documentaries about Mars, exploring beliefs regarding the existence of Martians.

Photo by author

The exhibition was rather fascinating, though I must admit, I wasn’t particularly impressed with their attempt to imagine the presence of Martians with AI.

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I’m an avid concert goer.

After Covid-19, numerous singers and bands from around the world have flocked to Singapore to host concerts. I’ve always believed that our country is the perfect place for concerts. With such a diverse culture, including various genres like Canto-pop, Chinese-pop, Chinese hip-hop, and top singers from the 70s, 80s, and 90s, the music scene is incredibly rich. In addition to English pop and K-pop, there’s a growing interest in Thai pop music and dramas as well.

Coldplay came to Singapore a few years ago, but I didn’t attend. This time, I decided to go with my friends, only to realize it was a nightmare just getting tickets. Fortunately, we managed to secure tickets and were incredibly lucky to be up close with Coldplay.

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I wasn’t exaggerating when I said we were up close to Coldplay. It was pouring that day, and to make matters worse, our embarrassing National Stadium was leaking. The funny thing is, it was only leaking a lot where Coldplay was positioned at the back. I didn’t think I was a Coldplay fan, but nonetheless, I’m grateful to Coldplay (especially Chris Martin, being the fantastic vocalist that he is) for making everyone feel so loved, happy, and involved in the concert.

Photo by author

The skies are so blue and the trees are so green.

I believe our monsoon season is coming to an end. The sun comes out more often, and the skies are filled with beautiful white clouds. Amidst our daily hustle and bustle, I am determined not to be swept away in the hurricane called Time. I yearn for a slower, more comfortable pace, yet one that remains efficient. It’s only achievable when my mind isn’t in a rush, when everything is mindful and under control. In those moments, I realise that everything is blissful, and the skies are indeed beautiful.

Take a moment today, tomorrow, and every day, to observe the skies and the world around you. I hope they are as beautiful as the scene before me.

Until next time..

I wish I could pen something more meaningful than this. Yet, at this moment, I’m overflowing with happiness, and I simply want to share it with YOU. Life has unfolded in unexpected ways, revealing a level of joy I never imagined possible. I’ve embraced the art of saying ‘yes’ to experiences that ignite my soul, welcoming new opportunities as they present themselves. I also mastered the art of saying ‘NO’ to nonsense.

Now, I’m finally one step closer to achieving the goals I set for myself. I am overflowing with happiness, and I believe even greater joy awaits. May your journey be filled with similar fulfillment and happiness.

“When you learnt to take good care of yourself, everything around you will naturally improve and fall into place.” — best advice I’ve ever received.

Until my next article, please always have faith, never stop dreaming and keep shining.

I appreciate you and your time. 💚

Thank you for reading.



Janier Chua
Tourist in My Own Country

Dreamer. Educator. Freelancer. Curious learner. Aspiring Musician - With every article, I aspire to inspire others to join me in this everlearning journey.